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Article en anglais

Luis C.,(UMI SOURCE), Aubert M., Parrot L., (UMI SOURCE), 2024. "Achieving healthy and profitable production through collective action? The case of vegetable farmers in the French West Indies", Journal of Environmental Management

20 juillet 2024

Lucic N. (UMI SOURCE), 2024, "Dataset for the long-term trade (1900–2021) and GDP (1960–2021) statistics of small island economies", Data In brief, 110674

4 juillet 2024

Leandi M., (UMI SOURCE), Dalmas L., (UMI SOURCE), 2024. " One Health Economics: why and how economics should take on the interdisciplinary challenges of a promising public health paradigm", Frontiers

2 juin 2024

Wang Y., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Bouri E., Sokhanvar., 2024 " Climate risks and the realized higher-order moments of financial markets: Evidence from China", International Review of Economics & Finance

1 juin 2024

Augeraud-Véron E., Leandri M., (UMI SOURCE), 2024. " Optimal self-protection and health risk perceptions: Exploring connections between risk theory and the Health Belief Model", Health Economics, pré-publié Mars 2024.

20 mars 2024

Dada O-A., Angnuureng D-B., Almar R., Morand P. (UMI SOURCE), 2023, "Linking human perception and scientific coastal flood risk assessment (Anlo Beach Community, Ghana)", Ocean & Coastal Management

16 janvier 2024

Mathieu, A. (UMI SOURCE), 2023. Bibliometric Dataset (1995-2022) on Green Jobs: A comprehensive Analysis of Scientific Publications. Data in Brief, 109845

8 décembre 2023

Hoarau J-F., Lucic N., (UMI SOURCE), 2023, " Testing for the Imports-Led Growth and the Growth-Led Imports Hypotheses in Panels for the Small Island World", Revue d'Economie Politique

27 septembre 2023

Ben Amar A., Bouattour M., Bellalah M., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE) , 2023, " Shift contagion and minimum causal intensity portfolio during the COVID-19 and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict", Finance Research Letters

24 septembre 2023

Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Le Hoang-V., Liu Fei., Von Mettenheim H-J., (2023) " Deep Learning and Technical analysis in cryptocurrency market" , Finance Research Letters

23 septembre 2023

Dragomirescu-Gaina C., Philippas D., Goutte S, (UMI SOURCE), 2023 "How to ‘Trump’ the energy market: Evidence from the WTI-Brent spread", Energy Policy

22 septembre 2023

Konstantakis K-N., Xidonas P., Michaelides P-G., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), 2023:" Gold and CoVid-19: Uncovering the safe haven hypothesis with dynamic MSR modeling", International Review of Financial Analysis

21 septembre 2023

Pottier N., (UMI SOURCE) et al. (2023). "Household resilience to slow onset flooding: A study of evacuation decision triggers in high-rise buildings along the Seine in Paris.", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

1 septembre 2023

Medhizadeh R, Deck O., Pottier N., (UMI SOURCE)., Péné-Annette A., (UMI SOURCE), 2023, "Post-Disaster Reconstruction of Residential Buildings: Evolution of Structural Vulnerability on Caribbean Island of Saint Martin after Hurricane Irma", Sustainability

24 août 2023

Olusegun A. Dada, Rafael Almar, Pierre Morand (UMI SOURCE) et al."Future socioeconomic development along the West African coast forms a larger hazard than sea level rise", Communications Earth & Environment

22 mai 2023

Nvuh-Njoya Y., Keneck-Massil J., Yogo Urbain T. (2023). "Constitutional instability and foreign direct investment in Africa", Economics of transition and institutional change, Available online 08 April 2023, 12372.

15 mai 2023

GOUTTE S., (UMI SOURCE) B. RAMDANI, F. BELAID, "SME internationalisation: Do the types of innovation matter?", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, vol. 88, no. 102681

10 mai 2023

Saegerman C., Humblet M-F., Leandri M., (UMI SOURCE) et al., (2023) " First Expert Elicitation of Knowledge on Possible Drivers of Observed Increasing Human Cases of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Europe", Viruses. 2023; 15(3):791.

17 mars 2023

Saussay A., Zugravu-Soilita N.(2023). "International production chains and the pollution offshoring hypothesis: an empirical investigation", Resource and Energy Economics, Available online 23 February 2023, 101357.

23 février 2023

El-Khatib Y., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Makumbe Zororo S., Vives J., (2023) " A hybrid stochastic volatility model in a Lévy market", International Review of Economics and Finance

25 janvier 2023

Benkraiem R., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Saadi S., Zhu H., Zhu S., (2022) " Investor heterogeneity and negative skewness in stock returns: Evidence from institutional investors", Journal of International Financial Markets, Insitutions and Money

20 janvier 2023

Kamguia B., Keneck-Massil J., (UMI SOURCE), Nvuh-Njoya Y., Tadadjeu S., (2022), " Natural resources and innovation: Is the R&D sector cursed too?", Resources Policy

8 décembre 2022

Dada, O. A., Angnuureng, D. B., Almar, R., Dzantor, S. & Morand, P. (UMI SOURCE) (2022), "Social perceptions of coastal hazards in the Anlo Beach Community in the Western Region of Ghana". Journal of Coastal Conservation, 26(63)

7 décembre 2022

Benkraiem Ramzi., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Saadi S., Zhu H., Zhu S. (2022)"Investor heterogeneity and negative skewness in stock returns: Evidence from institutional investors", Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions & Money

6 décembre 2022

Viet Hoang L., (UMI SOURCE), Von Mettenheim H-J., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Liu F., (2022) " News-based sentiment: can it explain market performance before and after the Russia–Ukraine conflict?", Journal of Risk Financee

5 décembre 2022

Damette O., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), (2022)," Beyond climate and conflict relationships: New evidence from a Copula-based analysis on an historical perspective", Journal of Comparative Economics

1 novembre 2022

Pédelahore P., Bidou J-E, Droy I., (UMI SOURCE), Freguin-Gresh S., Le Coq J-F., Sibelet N., (2022) " A method to better identify the socio economic determinants of transformations in agroforestry systems ", Agroforestry System

21 septembre 2022

Ben Amar A., Goutte S (UMI SOURCE), Isleimeyyeh M., 2022. "Asymmetric Cyclical Connectedness on the Commodity Markets: Further Insights from Bull and Bear Markets", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

10 mai 2022

Ben Amar A., Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), Isleimeyyeh M., Benkraiem R. 2022. " Commodity markets dynamics: What do cross-commodities over different nearest-to-maturities tell us?" International Review of Financial Analysis

6 mai 2022

Dinh T., (UMI SOURCE) Goutte S., (UMI SOURCE), NGuyen Khuong D., Walther T., 2022 "Economic drivers of volatility and correlation in precious metal markets", Journal Of Commodity Markets (In Press)

1 février 2022

Boroumand R-H, Goutte S., Porcher T., F.Stocker T., (2021) " fair and progressive carbon price for a sustainable economy", Journal of Environmental Management

17 décembre 2021

Philippas D., Dragomirescu-Gaina C., Goutte S., Nguyen D C., (2021) " Investors’ attention and information losses under market stress", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

16 décembre 2021

Keneck-Massil J., (CEMOTEV), Nvuh-Njoya Y., (2021) " Did colonisation matter for comparative economic complexity?, Economics Letters

18 octobre 2021

Jacolin L., Keneck-Massil J., (CEMOTEV), Noah A., (2021) " Informal sector and mobile financial services in emerging and developing countries: Does financial innovation matter?", The World Economy

17 octobre 2021

Keneck-Massil J., (CEMOTEV), Nomo Beyala C., Owoundi F., (2021) " The corruption and income inequality puzzle: Does political power distribution matter?", Economic Modelling

16 octobre 2021

Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), Ayadi A., Gana M., Guesmi K., 2021, " Equity-commodity contagion during four recent crises: Evidence from the USA, Europe and the BRICS ", International Review of Economics and Finance

22 septembre 2021

Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), Mhadhbi M., (CEMOTEV), Imen Gallali M., Guesmi K., 2021, "On the asymmetric relationship between stock market development, energy efficiency and environmental quality: A nonlinear analysis "International Review of Financial Analysis"

21 septembre 2021

Chevallier J., Guégan D., Goutte S (CEMOTEV)., 2021, "Is It Possible to Forecast the Price of Bitcoin", Forecasting

8 septembre 2021

Taranco A., (CEMOTEV), Geronimi V., (CEMOTEV), 2021,"Revisiting Structural Breaks un the Terms of Trade of Primary Commodities (1900-2020) - Markov Switching Models and Finite Mixture Distributions", Engineering Proceedings

1 septembre 2021

Damette O., Mathonnat C., Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), 2021, "Meteorological factors against COVID-19 and the role of human mobility", Plos One, online

21 juin 2021

Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), Péran T., Porcher T., (2021) " Corruption, economy and governance in Central Africa: An analysis of public and regional drivers of corruption ", Finance Research Letters

11 mai 2021

W.Goodell J., Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), (2021) "Diversifying equity with cryptocurrencies during COVID-19", International Review of Financial Analysis

5 mai 2021

El-Khatib Y., Goutte S., (CEMOTEV) Makumbe Zororo S., Vives J., (2021) " Approximate pricing formula to capture leverage effect and stochastic volatility of a financial asset", Finance Research Letters, (available online)

17 avril 2021

Jacolin L., Keneck Massil J., (CEMOTEV) Noah A., (2021) " Informal sector and mobile financial services in emerging and developing countries: Does financial innovation matter?", The World Economy

15 avril 2021

Belaid F., Ben Amar A., Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), Guesmi K., (2021) "Emerging and advanced economies markets behaviour during the COVID‐19 crisis era", International Journal of Finance and Economics

26 janvier 2021

Zugravu-Soilita N., (CEMOTEV) Kafrouni R., (CEMOTEV), Bouard S., Apithy L. (2020). "Do cultural capital and social capital matter for economic performance? An empirical investigation of tribal agriculture in New Caledonia", Ecological Economics, 106933

12 janvier 2021

Keneck Massil J., (CEMOTEV), Harnay S., (2020) " Parliamentary experience and contemporary democracy in Africa: A Northian view", Economic History of Developing Regions, published online

11 janvier 2021

Chevallier J., Goutte S., (CEMOTEV) Qiang J., Guesmi K., (2020) " Green finance and the restructuring of the oil-gas-coal business model under carbon asset stranding constraints" Energy Policy

10 décembre 2020

Amédée-Manesme C-O., Barthélémy F., (2020), "Proper use of the modified Sharpe ratios in performance measurement: rearranging the Cornish Fisher expansion",Annals of Operations Research

16 novembre 2020

Goutte S., (CEMOTEV), Damette O., Pei Q., (2020), "Climate and nomadic migration in a nonlinear world: evidence of the Historical China", Climatic Change, À paraître

20 octobre 2020

Barthelemy F., (CEMOTEV), Lepelley, D., Martin, M. et al. Dummy Players and the Quota in Weighted Voting Games. Group Decis Negot (2020)

12 octobre 2020